Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sketches and Doodles

I like to play around with a lot of ideas.
This first sketch is based on Revelation 5:5 from the Bible.
It is a tattoo idea I have had for a while.
Funding is the only reason this one is not on me yet.
I am, however, going to translate this idea into a painting for my five year old who loves The Chronicles of Narnia.
She loves it so much she talks in a british accent from time to time and wants to change her name to Lucy.

The next two are quick drawings colored with colored pencil that I did as an art lesson for my class.
These are inspired by Drew Brophy, one of my favorite artists.

Finally, some doodles I did during a meeting at school.
I know what you are thinking, but doodling actually helps me focus and pay attention.
Oddly enough if I don't draw I have trouble listening to the presenter.