Sunday, November 13, 2011

Art On Old Pages

I have been seeing people drawing on old book pages 
and I thought I would give it a try.

I found an old dictionary that was falling apart.
This one was inspired by the ukelele player,
and one of my favorite artists, Drew Brophy.
 An old school tattoo style gypsy
 Turtle Power
 Thought this was fitting on a page about 
parts of speech
 Something about red hair and blue eyes
just gets me.
 And one for the ladies.

To get upset about.

Edward Cullen next to the definition of vampire.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I've Got A Lot Going On

I do have a lot going on, but I am finding time do do a little art.
Looking at the pictures I am also convinced that I need a real camera.
iPhone camera is just not cutting it.
I got this chest for free and decided to make it a little more little girl friendly.
I tore it apart.
Sanded it down, and...
 Made it girlie for my little girls.
I painted it ivory and watered down some pink paint.
I covered the top with a pink bed sheet.
It is very soft and was fairly cheap. 
The feet are off of an old couch I sent to the burn pile.
 I also added my own touch with a tattoo style heart lock.
 Finally, I am trying to create some unique Christmas ornaments to put in a craft fair.
These are painted on log circles.
 And a little airbrushing on some burnt out light bulbs.