Saturday, August 28, 2010

My cheap ways pay off

A resurgence of interest in art really hit me when we wanted to decorate our new house. I am extremely cheap when it comes to certain things. I usually think I can do whatever it is we are going to spend money on much cheaper than we can buy it. This attitude drove me to try and paint on canvas for the first time, and I loved it. Keep in mind that I am not a very skilled photographer.

My very first attempt on canvas was a piece for above the piano in the living room. Part of this painting makes up the header of the blog, as well as my ETSY shop

Feeling like I had success I tried one for the master bedroom. This one however did not meet the approval of my wife, and I agreed that it did not fit our bedroom decor. It ended up in Cassidy's room.
After a little more direction from Camie, I came up with the piece that now hangs over our bed. This one was more in line with her thoughts.
I did one other large canvas (this one and the previous three are all on 30 x 40 canvases) as a Mother's and Father's Day present for my Dad and Darcie. I got so hooked that I bought some smaller canvases that were on sale. I think they are 16 x 20. I also discovered painting with Posca paint pens about the same time. The next two pieces were done with paint pens on canvas.

Finally i found an even cheaper way to go. I used the piece of wood that was in the box for my TV as a "canvas"
I used both acrylic paint and paint pens for this one. I later found that I could go to a hardware and pick up pieces of plywood and some furring strips to make canvases utilizing the wood grain. I will share those next time. I think i may hang this guy next to the band above the piano. I suppose I will need a trumpet player too.

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