Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Few Doodles

I like to sit around and doodle.
I come up with some of my favorite pieces that way.
This first one is sort of a battle between an angel and a demon.
I got the idea from reading Daniel.
I don't really like how the angel looks like a hippie, but this is a sketch and not a finished piece.

You may notice a few extra lines scribbled around this one.
That is from my one year old daughter.
I like to look at scribbles a lot like my kids look at the clouds.
I try to find something interesting in them.

This one actually started as an attempt to draw a donkey.
There is a story in the Bible where a donkey speaks to a guy named Balaam.
Its in the book of Numbers. Check it out.
I started with the top of the mouth, but saw this strange looking guy instead.

Finally, Jonah being swallowed by a very big fish.
This one may actually make it to canvas.
I would love to tackle the waves and stormy sky in full color.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovin' the fish!